Yuri's Revenge 1.001 Crack Gamemd.exe [WORK]
DOWNLOAD https://urluss.com/2ta5hc
Added support for the gHacks API. Please report any bugs or inaccuracies on the forums, or via email.EDIT 2: Unfortunately, there are still issues with patching, not all of the files are patched (mostly only the gHacks files). Some of these problems seem to have been fixed, but I had to restore at least one file (dmg.cfg) to get the game working correctly.The problem file is included in the zip. (dmg.cfg.back). If you have any ideas on fixing the other files, please post!___________________________________________________________________________________________________Nota Bene: I do not condone stealing content from other games/makers. I am not the original creator of these tools/files. I just did some research on the same tools as the original creator, and put them all together. I think these tools are useful for any game maker, if you don't own the game/patch tools, you can use these too!Here is a link on these tools:Hacks ToolsBaseResetEditabilityIf you have ANY questions, please send me an email (email address on top of the site).___________________________________________________________________________________________________Crack and patching:What is cracking? Cracking is the process of editing a copy of a game/patch in order to bypass copy protection. Cracking is illegal in most countries, and is also frowned upon by most game makers. Cracking can allow you to have a pre-patched copy of the game/patch, so you can play without an original CD/Iso, and your game/patch runs with no problems. If you are caught doing it, you could be fined, and you could be banned from future games/patches by the game maker. A number of cracks exist to enable you to play games/patches you have already bought/owned. Most of these cracks are freely accessible online, so if you want to play a game/patch that you already own, there are plenty of cracked copies available online. However, as mentioned before, if you get caught using these cracks, you could be fined or even banned from using cracks in the future. If you get caught, or if you get your PC checked by your housemate/friend, you should immediately do a full system restore and start over. This will prevent you from losing your files, games or patches. If you want to play a game/patch that you own already, you should try playing it without an original CD/Iso first.
I'm not sure if the problem happens just on my virtual machine, or if it happens on regular hollywood pc's. But in any case, patching as such, in the homebrew files directory, doesn't work. So be sure to use the unofficial crack on the official cd. Thanks.
The game actually runs smooth on my virtual machine, and i have complete control of how the game is run (system-wide settings, etc). -Just remember, make sure you install the crack files from the official cd, and NOT the homebrew files! i have to install the homebrew files and still have the same problem.
The patch: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lms2uljdgy3auo/YR-2000_1.001_Patch.zip?dl=0- And the uncracked game: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7mnaouj1p6dax0p/YR-2000_Uncracked.exe?dl=0- You may want to use the uncracked version. That way you can remove the patches. 827ec27edc