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I'm not sure what the right thing to do is. I can't have people signing up for the full install of Catalina on their machines if they think they're going to get a pirated copy of it. The white screen of death is always there; the same thing happened to me when I downloaded 10.13 Sierra from the Mac App Store. But the fact remains that I do need these versions, somewhere, somehow.
P.P.S. I was using the above mentioned web download link for High Sierra, but I don't know if that one is working for Mojave and Catalina. The links to the app store where they do not appear are:
I don't like this new app store. I don't want to pay for apps when I don't need them. I don't want to get them when they change their minds and make them not so. I can't figure out how to submit a bug report. After I downloaded the installer from a web link, it was unmounted and I can no longer access it. The terminal command that seems to be the best way to get rid of the app store is part of the installer, so I can't access it to get rid of it. (I've tried the Terminal command, and Finder command, but can't access it without a running app.)
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