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The blended school involved two classrooms, one with a physical space and the other using distance learning and other virtual platforms. The virtual school has a physical space with a small number of students and teachers. The virtual school also has an online learning platform.
Josephine Dowe, director of the Surry County Schools’ state assessment team, said the virtual school is in the midst of its first year. Dowe said the school is complete, but has not been officially launched.
As a result of the blended and virtual schools, Taylor said, students have experienced higher levels of success in language arts, math, and general education reading and writing. Students also experienced higher levels of engagement and test scores, Taylor said.
Surry County Schools has 13 Rethink Education sites in classrooms, libraries, and community centers. This year, the district partnered with Surry County Schools, Surry Center, and the Surry County Inter-Agency Partnership to implement, in phases, a blended school and a virtual school.
James Taylor, director of the district’s Title I ELL Program, said Surry County Schools has invested over $2 million in its blended and virtual schools. Much of that was reinvested and gained from the $1.6 million received from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction for the schools, he said. Rethink Education and Surry County Schools also received about $220,000 from the U.S. Department of Education.
“We’re really proud that North Carolina is part of this effort in Virginia,” Cathy Long, Rethink Education program director and co-founder, said. “Surry County is doing great work and this partnership highlights the need for training in blended and virtual learning for teachers across the state.”
Surry County Superintendent Dr. Jim Burton said that six of his teachers, three from Surry County and three from Albemarle County, have completed training focused on blended and virtual learning. Surry County teachers, in their fourth year of the Rethink Education training, also have completed the fifth-year program, bringing their total hours to 280.
“I have had classes in school and online, and virtual learning as well,” said Surry County teacher, Mary Wallace, from the Mount Airy school system. “We had a lot of people who were willing to learn and willing to share,” she said. The training was offered in both an online and in-person format in May and June.
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