38 Dictionnaires Micro Application Crack [Extra Quality]
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In the section models, the crack propagation was studied as a function of relative humidity (RH). The crack propagation rate increased with increasing RH. The crack propagation rate was highest during the first desiccation cycle. The RH values used in the section models ranged from 50% to 90%, while the RH value of the experiment ranged from 60% to 95%. Hence, the values in these models should be taken as indicative of the crack propagation at the early stages of desiccation. These models can help in discovering and designing future desiccation cycles, as well as in selecting and selecting the optimal materials and application techniques to prevent or slow down the crack formation.
In case of C3, the crack near the hill of the canvas cuts through the entire thickness of the glue layer and separates in two directions (Fig. 12). However, this crack is not propagated through the moisture resorption cycles, and was fully covered under the application of the paint layers, especially the uppermost paint layers (Fig. 13). This may be due to the fact that the gel layer is a weaker form of the glue layer and the paint layers. Hence, the crack near the hill of the canvas is pinned at the interface between the gel layer and the paint layers, and the crack can not go through and propagate within the gel layers. The cracks in the gel layer are removed on the first desiccation cycle, and completely hidden under the paint layers. Therefore, the crack in C3 does not exist in the future desiccation cycles.
In the case of C2, the crack near the hill of the canvas can travel in both directions along the canvas (Fig. 14). However, it follows a different path from the crack near the hill of C1. The crack near the hill of C1 initiated near the hill of the canvas and cut through to the lower part of the canvas (Figs. 10, 11). The crack near the hill of C2 on the other hand, initiated at the hill of the canvas and ran along the material, and then broke at one point to travel along the material. This crack was not pinned at the interface between the paint layers and the material. Hence, the crack can pass through the moisture resorption cycles and was not totally blocked by the paint layers.
The micro crack that formed in the glue layer (C3) remained at the beginning of all the desiccation cycles, as the glue layer was ruptured in all the desiccation cycles. However, by the end of the fifth desiccation cycle, it increased in its size and became visible to the naked eye. Similar to the case C1, the crack that was initiated in the glue layer cuts through the entire depth of the upper paint layers.
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